Press Releases
Gymnastics and trampoline programs to be suspended until new interim facility is built
Posted On:
July 11, 2017

New Westminster, BC – Due to construction commencing on New Westminster Secondary School this fall, New Westminster Parks and Recreation has announced that gymnastics and trampoline programs will be suspended after the summer session and will resume upon completion of the new interim facility that will open in Queen’s Park next year. Following the collapse of the Queen’s Park Arenex, the City was able to reinstate much of the gymnastics and trampoline programs in the Small Massey Gymnasium at New Westminster Secondary School; however, the gymnasium space will no longer be available.

“Despite our best efforts, we have determined that there are no other suitable locations to accommodate our gymnastics and trampoline programs beyond August 2017,” said Steve Kellock, Senior Manager of Recreation Services & Facilities. “While we are disappointed that we cannot offer these programs in the fall, we are committed to moving forward with the new interim gymnastics and trampoline facility as quickly as possible.”

Centennial Community Centre will continue to host the popular Motoring Munchkins preschool services, and the Vancouver Circus School will offer limited gymnastics and trampoline programming.  A full comprehensive gymnastics and trampoline program will be offered at the new interim facility scheduled to be completed next year.

New Westminster City Council recently approved the development of a 24,000 square foot gymnastics and multi-sport facility in Queen’s Park to re-establish the programs and services offered at the former Queen’s Park Arenex on an interim basis. The proposed building will allow for an ongoing set-up for gymnastics and trampoline programs with additional dedicated space for the wide variety of other sports formerly offered at the Arenex.


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Steve Kellock
Senior Manager of Recreation Services & Facilities
City of New Westminster
604-527-4629 or